Thursday, June 14, 2012

Green Goddess Dressing!

Sorry it's been so very long since my last post! And I don't even have a photo to go with this as it was completely consumed pretty quickly the day it was made.

I had a church picnic that I had to bring a dish to...and not a lot left of the veggie share in the house.
What was left was a big bunch of spinach, so Spinach Salad, right? Yeah, well the other problem was that I didn't have any significant supply of bottled dressing and while I had plain yogurt and mixes to make ranch or dill dressing, there wasn't enough time to let it sit and "ripen" as mix dressings should.

I did have an avocado that really needed to be used, and plenty of olive oil and fresh lemons....and a very helpful 7yo son - and between he and I this recipe was born:

Green Goddess ala Evan
1 fully ripe avocado pitted, and scooped out of it's peel
mash thoroughly while adding
1/2 C Olive Oil (we used 1/2 garlic infused 1/2 not)
Juice of 1 Fresh Lemon
Several Tablespoons of good plain yogurt
Salt, Pepper, and Sugar to taste
dash of cumin
dash of ginger
1 tsp toasted sesame oil

It was a big hit, both with my helper and with folks at the picnic!

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